[patch] Add tests for NIST CAVP hash tests

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Mon Jun 8 13:00:25 CEST 2009


The attached patch adds a test generator (in python) that uses the NIST CAVP 
Secure Hash Standard (SHA1, SHA2) test cases. The tests are 2.7M (zipped) and 
look like
Len = 48
Msg = e47571e5022e
MD = 8ce051181f0ed5e9d0c498f6bc4caf448d20deb5

Len = 56
Msg = 3e1b28839fb758
MD = 67da53837d89e03bf652ef09c369a3415937cfd3

The generated test is 9.7M, which I think is too large to put into svn. So 
I've added some buildsystem support and the generator script so the really 
dedicated user can run the tests if required. I've also added a short README 
to explain it.

This change also reworks basic.c to extract some shared code, and the 
buildsystem changes cover that.


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